Knead For Healing Therapeutic Massage
Barbara Khan, LMT

Modalities O-Z

Pregnancy Massage,  also called Prenatal Massage, is a good way to relieve some of the aches and pains experienced during pregnancy.  Pregnancy is hard on a woman's body.  The added weight and relaxing of the ligaments that occur during pregnancy is stressful on the joints, especially the pelvis.  Carrying the baby causes the pelvis to tilt. This puts pressure on the lower back.  A lot of stress is also put on the neck, shoulders and upper back.  Getting massaged during pregnancy can be helpful to decrease symptoms of depression, reduce anxiety, relieve muscle aches, lessen joint pains, regulate hormones, reduce swelling, improve labor outcomes, improve newborn health.  Pregnancy massage can also relieve nerve pain.  Sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome sometimes occur during pregnancy.  Pillows and cushions are used during the massage to make you comfortable on the massage table.  The safest position for you to be worked on is lying on your side.  You should not receive prenatal massage with any of the following conditions: high risk pregnancy, pregnancy induced high blood pressure, severe swelling, severe and sudden headaches, preeclampsia.  Deep tissue massage is not appropriate to use on pregnant women.  Massage should usually be avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy. 

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is used by physical therapists, massage therapists, and athletic trainers to treat muscle injury and increase flexibility.  PNF is similar to muscle energy technique or MET in that it uses isometric contractions and passive stretching.  PNF is different though because it can include active movement and stretching from the client also.  It also requires more physical stretch be used by the client when doing the isometric muscle contractions.  MET requires about 20 percent stretch and PNF requires about 60 percent. Physiologist, Charles Sherrington, came up with the theory behind PNF in the early 1900s, but it wasn't actively put into use until the 1940s.  Herman Kabat, a neurophysiologist, started using the therapy in 1946 to rehabilitate polio patients.  He did extensive work with the therapy and eventually the other therapists that he worked with started teaching it to others.  It started being used by physical therapists in the 1960s.  In the 1970s, it started to be used in athletic training.  The therapy is commonly used in sports massage.  

There are five techniques used in PNF:

is used when a client's injury makes him unable to start a range of motion.  The pattern goes from passive to active resistance and is followed by active movement.

RHYTHMIC STABILIZATION is when the therapist asks the client to hold a position.  Then the therapist applies resistance to the client and asks the client to hold against the resistance without changing position.

HOLD CONTRACT is when the therapist asks the client to resist against a force applied by the therapist.  After 20 seconds of resisting the therapist stretches the muscle group that was being used to resist.

CONTRACT RELAX WITH ANTAGONISTIC CONTRACT (CRAC) is when the client is asked to contract the muscle that is in pain and then contract the opposing muscle.

HOLD-RELAX-SWING/HOLD-RELAX-BOUNCE starts out as a passive stretch and is followed by isometric contractions.

This therapy is excellent for addressing sports injuries and loosening hypertonic muscles. 

Raindrop Therapy uses essential oils to help soothe, relax and stimulate healing. The therapy is practiced by massage therapists and other holistic health practitioners.  Raindrop technique was created by D. Gary Young the president of the Young Living Essental Oils.  Young says that these techniques were taught to him by a Lakota medicine man.  He says that the man helped him heal chronic conditions using this technique.  Nine aromatherapy oils are used in this therapy.  Thyme, basil, oregano, cypress, marjoram, peppermint, wintergreen, 2 oil blends.  These essential oils are dropped directly on the skin and then massaged in.  Following the very light brisk massage, heat is applied to help the oils absorb into the skin.  The therapy is used to treat a variety of ailments including scoliosis and sciatica.  Young has a theory that these conditions are caused by infections and that the essential oils draw out these infections. 

Reflexology has a long history.  Foot massage therapy has been practiced by the Chinese since 4,000 BC. Barefoot massage was practiced by ancient Egyptians.  Most people think of the feet when they think of this therapy, but it can also be done on the hands and ears.  Reflexologists believe that all areas of the body have corresponding regions on the hands, feet and ears.  By treating these areas on the ears, hands or feet, they treat the dysfunction in the corresponding region of the body. 

Shiatsu literally translates as finger pressure.  This is a Japanese form of massage, but is based on principles borrowed from Chinese Traditional Medicine.  It was started in China 2000 years ago, and was known as anma.  Eventually, anma made its way to Japan.  The practice of anma remained unchanged for many years.  In the early 20th century, an anma practitioner, named Tamai Tempaku, started combining principles of anma with Western medicine.  He started teaching his new techniques to others and changed the name of the new therapy.  It was officially recognized by the Japanese government in 1964.  Though the name has changed, basic principles of Chinese Traditional Medicine are still used in this therapy.  This form of Oriental massage uses the same points as acupuncture to promote healing.  Putting pressure on these points stimulates nerve endings and unblocks the body's ki/chi or life force.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC) there are 12 meridians that run through the body.  These meridians are like pathways that carry chi through the body.  Each meridian is named for an organ that it runs through.  If a meridian is blocked the chi can't flow through it correctly and this will cause dysfunction in your body.  This Japanese form of massage works to unblock blocked meridians so that ki/chi can flow through them freely just like acupuncture.

Many massage therapists use these principles in their practices.  Shiatsu is usually done on the floor laying on a thin futon mat.  You remain fully clothed, and it's a good idea to wear something loose fitting and comfortable.  The therapist will use his/her fingertips to apply rhythmic pressure along your meridians.  The therapy shouldn't hurt.  Let your therapist know if it does and he/she will adjust the pressure to your comfort level.  It is not uncommon to feel some flu like symptoms after a treatment.  Drink plenty of water and take it easy and you should be fine.  This therapy can be used to treat a variety of problems.  A few are back pain, whiplash, neck stiffness, joint pain, reduced mobility, muscle injuries. 

Sports Massage Therapy is ideal when you have a specific injury you'd like to address.  It's based on a combination of Swedish massage strokes, shiatsu, and trigger point therapy.  It is intended to help reduce the stress intense workouts put on the muscles by repairing small lesions in the muscles before they become much bigger problems.  It is also used to treat injuries once they occur.  Sports massage was originally intended to help athletes perform at their best at events.  Athletes push their muscles to the max and need to use extra care to avoid and recover from injury.  There are several aspects that address all the needs that athletes have. 

PRE-EVENT MASSAGE: This massage is usually a short vigorous massage lasting about 20 minutes.  The muscles that will be used in the sporting event are usually the only ones massaged. 

POST-EVENT MASSAGE:  This massage is given an hour or two after the event.  It's used to help regulate and normalize the tissue after exertion.  

RESTORATIVE MASSAGE: This massage is given during training periods.  It helps prevent injury during training, allowing the athlete to train harder in each session.  

REHABILITATIVE MASSAGE: This massage is given to injured athletes to help them heal more quickly.

You don't have to be a big time athlete to get a sports massage.  It is offered in many spas and massage clinics these days.  It can benefit anyone who has aches and pains whether you work on a construction site or in an office.  Sports massage has many benefits.  It lowers heart rate and blood pressure, increases circulation of blood and lymph, improves flexibility and reduces muscle pain and tension.  If you have muscle soreness, Sports Massage Therapy can help you. 

Swedish Massage Therapy or Classic Massage Therapy is the most common form of massage therapy in the West.  It is what most people think of when they think of massage therapy.  The massage therapy techniques used in this form of massage are the basis for most spa massages.  Relaxation massages typically use the Swedish massage style.  Swedish massage is characterized by four basic strokes – Effleurage, Petrissage, Tapotement, Vibration.  Strokes are to flow in the direction that blood circulates towards the heart.  They start out superficially giving the tissue a chance to warm up.  Once the tissue is warm the therapist starts doing deeper more intense work.  Swedish Massage helps with relaxation, circulation and skin and muscle health.  The main goal is to flush toxins out of the system while increasing the nourishment received by muscle cells. Its popularity in the Western world is proof of its effectiveness. 

Thai Massage originated in India Over 2,500 years ago and is based in Ayervedic principles.  It was practiced in monasteries by monks and nuns.  When Buddhism came to Thailand, this ancient healing art came along with it.  Many of the original written text about the history of this ancient massage have been destroyed in invasions, but the practice lives on. It is taught to Thais and non-Thais alike.  You can now receive this traditional form of massage in many areas of the world.  Like shiatsu, this form of massage was influenced by Traditional Chinese Medicine.  It combines acupressure-like treatment with yoga stretches.  The Thais believe that energy in the body follows pathways called sen.  In theory there are thousands of sen but this form of massage focuses on unblocking 10 major sen.  This is done through rhythmic compression.  This ancient healing art also uses stretches to help loosen and relax the muscles.  That's why it is sometimes called passive or lazy man's yoga. Thai massage is done on a mat on the floor.  You remain clothed during the treatment, and should wear loose comfortable clothing. 

Therapeutic Touch is a form of energy work that has been practiced since the early seventies.  Practitioners of this form of energy work believe that the body's energy extends outward in what is known as an aura, and by touching the body lightly or moving their hands just above the body they can correct imbalances in the energy.  This form of energy work was invented by Dolores Krieger, a registered nurse, and Dora Kunz, a healer and clairvoyant.  Kunz believed that she could see auras and that when she moved her hands just outside the aura, she could manipulate it.  Kunz and Krieger started trying to to heal sick animals that were brought to them with some success, so they started trying the same techniques on people.  Once they developed this healing technique, they devised a method to teach it to others.  They believed that anyone could be trained to sense the body's energy fields and manipulate them.  Therapeutic touch is based on the idea that when you are sick or in pain it is because the body's energy field is imbalanced.  The body can heal itself when unbalanced energy fields are balanced.  This is a gentle, non-invasive practice that, ironically, doesn't require the practitioner to touch you at all. It's used in hospitals as an alternative therapy to ease patient’s pain.  It is also said to relax you and boost your immune system. 
Watsu is a relaxing form of water massage.  The word watsu comes from a combination of water and Shiatsu.  Now that you know where the name comes from you can guess what watsu massage is.  Harold Dull, a bodyworker, invented Watsu in the 1980's when he started working on his Zen shiatsu students in a warm pool to better facilitate the stretches involved in Zen shiatsu.  In Zen shiatsu stretching is used to unblock the chi flowing through the body.  Dull had studied this method of bodywork in Japan with its founder.  Watsu is done in a warm pool or hot tub.  The therapist supports you in the water and moves you in sync with your breath.  The warm water helps loosen muscles and allows you to relax more deeply.  This therapy is helpful in treating fibromyalgia, chronic pain, stroke, spinal cord injury, arthritis, Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, post mastectomy, post thoracic surgery, post traumatic stress disorder.

When you receive Watsu you can feel some effects immediately, such as deepened relaxation, reduction of muscle spasms, reduced pain, increased ranges of motion. After a few sessions you'll notice improved sleep patterns, improved digestion, improved healing, stronger immune system, decreased anxiety. 


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